showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagslanguage
The Bard's Tale: Tales of the Unknown  Electronic Arts (Interplay)1985 3.5disk 5.25disk bardstale bardstaleengine combatmode demons dragons dungeoncrawler feelies ghosts giants gridmove group halflings hydrae magic monsters shopping skeletons undead vampires weefolk xp-kills zombies en, frlabelimagesubject
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar  Origin1985 ♫rulebritannia 5.25disk adv-deeds adv-intermediary adv-objects adv-static aerostat alcohol amoeboids apple2 axes beggars beholders bizarrecreatures blackpearls bludgeons bodyarmor bootloader bossbattles bows cannons captives capturedresources children chiroptera chosenone commercial crossbows cyclopes demonoids demons devsysapple2 directionalforce directionalforce-wind display-280x192 dragons encounters-neutral encounters-popup encounters-seen europeanfae femaleprotagonist forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice ghosts giantinsects giantseahorses giantspiders gremlins group healingitems healingstations hiddenattributes horses hydrae inbuilttraps incendiarygrenades insects inventory karma keyboard knives license-proprietary liches lockpicking magic magicweapons meleeweapons mimics mockingboard monsters mystics neutralnpcs ocean orcs otherworld pirates polearms present rats refwizardofoz resting resuscitation riding river rodents ruins sauroids scummvm-wip seaserpents shallowwater shopping shore skeletons slings snakes sorcery spectres staves subterranean swarmers swords teleporting thrownweapons tornados town traps treants tripeds trolls ultima ultimaageofenlightenment undead walking watercraft watercraft-medium wetland willowisps willowtrees windindicator wordinput xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi xp-objects en, jplabelimagesubject